The NASLA Initial Training programme, which runs for two (02) academic years, has as objective to prepare learners for Local Administration jobs. It comprises three (03) cycles, for which admission is gained through entrance examinations :
- Cycle A. For the training of Senior Executives. The eligibility requirement is a Bachelor's Degree, minimum, or its equivalent ;
- Cycle B. for the training of Mid-level Staff. The eligibility requirement is the G.C.E. Advanced Level (Baccalaureat) ;
- Cycle C. for the training of Specialized Workers. G.C.E Ordinary Level (BEPC) for Cycle C.
Professional training for all the cycles is organised around the following fields of study :
This field of study is a priority for the administrative and financial autonomy of Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs); the said autonomy translates into their own policies, human resources, budgets, equipment and services. It equips local administration professionals with the tools and skills for policy development, management of affairs and management of Council and Regional resources. It is structured around eight (08) specialisations that prepare learners in the Initial Training programme for jobs in local government, namely:
- Steering and Management. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Council or Regional Secretary General, Administrative and Finance Director, Technical Service Director, Management Controller, Public Policy Evaluation Officer, Organisational Adviser, etc.
- General Affairs. This specialisation prepares learners for professions such as: General Affairs Manager, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Service Officer, Documentalist, Archivist, Executive Secretary, Secretary, etc.
- Legal Affairs. This specialisation prepares learners for professions such as: Legal Adviser, Public Contracts Official, Land Tenure Officer, Insurance Officer, Clerk, Planton, etc.
- Finance. This specialisation prepares learners for professions such as: Heads of Finance Services, Municipal or Regional Treasurer, Stores Accountants, Finance Controller, Official in charge of Expenditures, Head of Revenue Official, Finance or Accounting Service Assistant, Finance or Accounting Service Officer, etc.
- Human Resources. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Human Resource Manager, Human Resource Assistant, Head of GPEEC, Recruitment and Training, etc.
- Information Systems and ICT. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: IT Manager, IT Maintenance Technician, Programmer-Analyst, etc
- Public Relations and Cooperation. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Communications Manager, Communications Officer, Publications Officer, Photographer/Videographer, Digital Communications Project Manager, Graphic Design Officer, Cooperation Officer, etc.
This field of study is central to the promotion of local development as expected from Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs). It trains local administration professionals with the knowledge and skills needed for the sustainable and inclusive transformation of territories. It is structured around five (05) specialties that prepare learners in Initial Training for careers in planning and sustainable and inclusive Regional planning and territorial development, namely:
- Development. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Territorial Development Official, Tourism Development Official, Economic Development expert, etc.
- This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Environmental Manager, Natural Areas Management Official, Environmental Advisor, Landscape Project Manager, Aquatic Environment Project Manager, etc.
- Urban planning and development. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Urban Planning and Development Officials, Authorisation Officials, Public Domain Occupation Supervisors, Building Permit Control Technicians, etc.
- Transport and travel. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Transport and Traffic Official, Transport Management Official, Bus Station Manager;
- Professional training. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Employment and Professional Training Official, Local Employment-Training-Integration Coordinator.
This field of study is the pathway Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs) can take to contribute to the national and global drive towards reducing inequalities and building peaceful societies. It trains local administration professionals with the tools, knowledge and skills to provide basic social services that are sustainable and accessible to all. The programme is structured around five (05) specialties that prepare learners for careers in social work and services to the population:
- Social Action Official, Social Worker, Head of Social or Medico-social Establishment, Social and Family Worker;
- Education, Animation and Sports, which prepares learners for professions such as: Official in charge of Youth, Education and Sports, Official in charge of childcare facilities, Education assistant, Leisure and sports coordinator, etc.
- Local public health. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Public health officer, local doctor, nurse, nursing auxiliary, midwife, etc;
- Civil and funeral registry. which prepares learners for professions such as: Civil registrar and funeral Official, Civil registrar, Nurse, Gravedigger;
- Cultural Services, which prepares learners for professions such as: Official in charge of Cultural Activities, Cultural Coordinator, Official in charge of Cultural Establishment, Performing Arts Technician, Library Manager, Library Official.
This field of study responds to the need for local authority staff to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to manage general services and local responsibilities requiring a certain level of technical expertise. It aims at encouraging innovation and quality infrastructure in local areas. This sector is based around six (06) specialties, namely:
- Workshop, Garage and General Services. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Technical service Official, fleet management and maintenance Official, mechanic, mechanic's assistant, vehicle electrician, machine operator, driver, municipal workshop manager, maintenance worker, storekeeper, materials handler, etc;
- Infrastructure and Networks. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Roads and Networks Official, Director of Infrastructure, Project Manager for various works and networks, Public Roads Operator, Infrastructure Works Technician, Draughtsman, Topographer, Surveyor etc.;
- Water and Sanitation. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Water and Sewerage Manager, Water and Sewerage Agent, Drinking Water and Sewerage Treatment Plant Manager etc.;
- Public hygiene. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Public Hygiene Official, Public Hygiene Inspector, Collection Officer, Solid Waste Manager, etc.;
- Built heritage. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: Building and built heritage manager, architect, building technician, building worker, energy manager, etc;
- Green spaces. This specialty prepares learners for professions such as: green space managers, garden and green space maintenance workers, landscape designers, etc.