The creation of the National School of Local Administration (NASLA) demonstrates the will of the Head of State, H.E. Paul BIYA, to make professional training one of the main pillars of decentralisation and development in Cameroon.
Professional Training is therefore asserting itself today in our Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs) as a means of developing the necessary skills to meet the challenges of making Cameroon, an emerging country, united in its diversity by 2035
Committed to providing each RLA with quality human resources, NASLA stands as Bedrock of local development by encouraging and promoting the professional development of trainees, and above all, the management methods of RLAs
We are positioning our school as the only public institution in sub-Saharan Africa, set up by a State to train personnel for RLA’s
Our mission is to guarantee professional training in the areas of competence and specialities of Local Administration, in accordance with the guidelines defined by the Government.
To this end, NASLA has as objective to combine the acquisition of technical knowledge, know-how and skills through :
- Diploma Initial Training ;
- In-service Training ;
- Specific Training.
Sharing experience and expertise now plays a major role in the development of our RLAs. Our ambition is to succeed in changing our approach to professional practices and to place knowledge at the service of success through our Research and Documentation Centre.
Committed, NASLA places ethics at the centre of its approach. We respect the principles of good governance, and we intend to maintain formal relationships with all our partners (Ministries, RLAs, Technical and Financial Partners, etc.) in an environment of strong expectations from both local actors and society as a whole.
Our vision is to make NASLA an Institute of Advanced Studies for training in skills needed for urban development, ranging from the design of local public policies, to the administration of services and the maintenance of habitable spaces.
This ambition requires the mobilisation of all efforts and components involved in the implementation of the Head of State's determination in terms of decentralisation.
We are aware of the challenges, but firmly optimistic about the ability of our team members to meet them with the benevolent support of our supervisory authorities, the Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development and the Ministry of Finance.